
更多内容就在:小狼君的包装-【体茶】养生茶饮包装 by 澜帝(天津)品牌设计

小狼君Langcer Lee 【体茶】养生茶饮包装_555817【体茶】养生茶饮包装“身体要喝自己的茶!”原材料古法种植,依赖自然的力量,为你带来山河湖海的味道。在快节奏的都市生活中,静下来饮一杯体茶,因为“身体要喝自己的茶”。"The body wants to drink its own tea!"Material ancient planting, relying on the power of nature, bring you the flavor of mountains, lakes and seas.In the fast-paced urban life, calm down and drink a cup of body tea, because "the body needs to drink its own tea".思路整合:澜帝(天津)品牌设计设 计:小狼君(李程Langcer Lee)、幽幽、二月半后 期:大爷、法老【体茶】养生茶饮包装_555817