

小狼君Langcer Lee 【三只松鼠·曲奇馅阱】曲奇包装_555787【三只松鼠·曲奇馅阱】曲奇包装,包装设计倍受吃货们喜爱的三只松鼠曲奇系列更新包装啦~三只小松鼠探索到了美味的爆浆曲奇,但是没想到这是一个美丽的陷阱,图案下方的曲奇被掰开,里面开始流出果馅,而上面的两只小松鼠则奋力的抓住陷阱,不让他掉下去。下方开口的包装盒,集美观、趣味、便捷、创新于一身,让你陷入甜蜜,不能自拔。——Three Squirrel Cookies Favorite by Little Partners.Three squirrels explored delicious pulp cookies, but they did not realize that it was a beautiful trap. The cookies under the pattern were broken off and the filling began to flow out. The two squirrels on the top grabbed the trap to keep him from falling.The bottom opening of the packaging box, set beautiful, interesting, convenient, innovative and one, let you fall into the sweet, can not extricate themselves.Creative Director:小狼君Langcer LeeDesigners: 幽幽、法老、大爷、娟娟Illustrators: 蓝宝Photographers:蒋涛【三只松鼠·曲奇馅阱】曲奇包装_555787