Paracelsus Bad Kurhaus Swimming Facilities


健身的兔子 Paracelsus Bad Kurhaus Swimming Facilities_3541107Paracelsus Bad Kurhaus Swimming Facilities作者:Berger+Parkkinen Associated Architects规模:10973 m²年份:2019摄影师:Christian RichtersThe new public bath highlights Salzburg’s landmarks and mountains and represents a visionary architectural project in the city’s historic center. In terms of urban design, the new "Paracelsus Bad & Kurhaus" forms a joint between the late 19th-century block structures of Auerspergstraße, the open development along Schwarzstraße, the landscape of the Kurgarten and the Mirabellgarten. The geometry of the building is swiveled towards the park, making a reference to the geometry of the vanished fortification-walls of the baroque period.Paracelsus Bad  Kurhaus Swimming Facilities_3541107Paracelsus Bad  Kurhaus Swimming Facilities_3541107Paracelsus Bad  Kurhaus Swimming Facilities_3541107Paracelsus Bad  Kurhaus Swimming Facilities_3541107Paracelsus Bad  Kurhaus Swimming Facilities_3541107