

全球设计竞赛 洛杉矶拉布雷亚沥青坑设计竞赛(方案1)_3532953洛杉矶拉布雷亚沥青坑设计竞赛(方案1),洛杉矶拉布雷亚沥青坑设计竞赛,WEISSMANFREDI,洛杉矶拉布雷亚沥青坑设计竞赛,WEISSMANFREDI设计公司:WEISS/MANFREDI地点:美国 洛杉矶The La Brea Loops and Lenses form a triple mobius that links all existing elements of the park to redefine Hancock Park as a continuously unfolding experience, connecting three distinguishing identities that are latent within the park today: Research and Revelation – the site of the excavation pits and Pleistocene Garden, Community and Culture – where the museum and central green are located, and Spectacle and Urban Fictions – where the lake pit and mastodons join the public imagination on Wilshire Boulevard. The different identities of the loops embody journeys, with programming that appeals to diverse interests—from paleontology to bird watching, from science to play.洛杉矶拉布雷亚沥青坑设计竞赛(方案1)_3532953洛杉矶拉布雷亚沥青坑设计竞赛(方案1)_3532953洛杉矶拉布雷亚沥青坑设计竞赛(方案1)_3532953洛杉矶拉布雷亚沥青坑设计竞赛(方案1)_3532953洛杉矶拉布雷亚沥青坑设计竞赛(方案1)_3532953