

艺术制造 Ehime科学博物馆_1129752Ehime科学博物馆,建筑,设计,建筑设计,建筑师,日本,日本建筑师,黑川纪章于,Ehime科学博物馆,连卡佛广场,吉隆坡Lumpur国际私人机场,中央广场,大阪国立文乐木偶戏院,建筑学科,东京大学,Nakagin胶囊塔,和平大厦PacificTower,飞机场设计师:黑川纪章位置:日本The site is located in the suburb of Niihama, on the island of Shikoku. A highway interchange is planned adjacent to the site, at the foot of the mountains.In order to create a symbiotic relationship with the surrounding area, the building is conceived as four fragments. The fragments function as administrative facilities and a planetarium.Simple geometric forms have been adopted: a crescent, a cube, a square, a cone, and a triangle. The layout of the fragments is designed to reflect the free arrangement of stepping stones in a Japanese garden. This also expresses the Japanese traditions of asymmetry.The form of the Exhibition Hall is slightly shifted and tilted to emphasize the composition of four different square exterior surfaces. Various finishes are applied to the facade: aluminum, glass, and exposed concrete.The spherical Planetarium, which is located on an artificial pond, is connected to the Entrance Hall by an underground passage, expressing the abstract, invisible relationship between the two functions.Ehime科学博物馆_1129752Ehime科学博物馆_1129752Ehime科学博物馆_1129752Ehime科学博物馆_1129752Ehime科学博物馆_1129752