和平大厦(Pacific Tower)


艺术制造 和平大厦(Pacific Tower)_1129740和平大厦(Pacific Tower),建筑,设计,建筑设计,建筑师,日本,日本建筑师,黑川纪章于,连卡佛广场,吉隆坡Lumpur国际私人机场,中央广场,大阪国立文乐木偶戏院,建筑学科,东京大学,Nakagin胶囊塔,和平大厦PacificTower,飞机场设计师:黑川纪章位置:法国 巴黎In an urban planning context, Pacific Tower plays a role as a bridge and gate for pedestrians, providing access over the express highway from Valmy district to La Defense district. Its relationship with the Grand Arche and its axis in relation to the urban landscape have been carefully considered.和平大厦(Pacific Tower)_1129740和平大厦(Pacific Tower)_1129740和平大厦(Pacific Tower)_1129740和平大厦(Pacific Tower)_1129740和平大厦(Pacific Tower)_1129740